The Australian War Memorial (www.awm.gov.au) has digitised war diaries from the First and Second World War, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. They are the diaries of the Unit's administration, operations and activities and rarely contain information about individuals. However, they can give you a real feel for what was happening on a day-to-day basis and will be of immense interest if you had relatives serving in a particular unit. The soldier is my great uncle Alf Weatherhead , who was in the 23rd Battalion. The map (click on image to enlarge it) is from the diary of the 23rd Battalion and it formed part of Battle Order 20 from July 20 1916. The diaries are on the Australian War Memorial web site - follow this link. http://www.awm.gov.au/diaries/index.asp. These are an amazing resource and well worth exploring.
I would be interested in hearing more about Thomas Weatherhead & his descendants. We have been trying to make a connection to my husband who is descended from John Stroyan Weatherhead.
News for Glynis, John Stroyan Weatherhead,1851-1909; married to Elizabeth Law, Born 1852 Died 1923 at Warrnambool Victoria.They had 12 children, and he was a brother of Horatio,the father to Francis Thomas and Alfred [pictured]
Their Cousin,''John Fortescue Law WEATHERHEAD'' was in the Light Horse Brigade and died at Galloppi.
See: http://www.aif.adfa.edu.au:8080/showPerson?pid=316848
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