There are many useful Internet sites with information on preserving your family treasures. The Collections Australia network is the public gateway to Australian Collecting Institutions such as Museums and Galleries http://www.collectionsaustralia.net/ Type in ReCollections in search box. ReCollections provides professional advice for the preventative care of items such as books, photographs, papers, leather, wood and textiles such as clothing or embroideries.
The State Library of Victoria http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/ also provides information on correct storage of precious books, papers and photographs. Click on Services then Conservation advice then Information guides or follow this link http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/services/conservation/index.html
Finally the National Archives of Australia http://www.naa.gov.au/ The N.A.A provides a range of preservation information. Click on Records Management then Secure, store and preserve or follow this link http://www.naa.gov.au/records-management/secure-and-store/index.aspx
Proper storage of family treasures will help preserve them for future generations. Sadly, we no longer have Grandma's wedding dress, but this is the wedding photograph of my Grandparents, Joseph Rouse and Eva Weatherhead, who were married at the Methodist Church at Garfield on November 22nd, 1922.
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